Sunday, February 05, 2006

Josh heart Shelli

Our friends Josh and Shelli are getting married two weeks from today. Last night, we got together for a little shower to celebrate them.

Josh is one of the most real, funny, caring, gregarious and warm people I have ever met. Josh is horrible at playing games of all kinds because he cannot NOT cheat to help others win, a real plus if you are playing poker with him, but not so great if he is on your team in a team structured game. Josh gives the best hugs. He teaches kindergarten, and I bet that every one of his students feels wonderful every moment they are in his presence. Shelli has a great smile, a happy vibe, two sweet kids, and moxy. She isn't a teacher. (That is a major bit of novelty in my social landscape.) Shelli has the ability to truly focus on whoever she is talking with. I met her when Josh started bringing her around, and she's a busy mom, so she hasn't been around as much as we would all like. For all she has going on, I have never seen Shelli in a bad mood. She laughs easily and well. And Josh adores her.

It feels like the world is all right when good things happen to good people, and I am glad that Josh and Shelli orbitted into each other and decided to hook up.


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